Wednesday, January 30, 2013

On the streets of Loreto...

January 19, 2013

Loreto is a town about 40 minutes from here that is said to be proved that it is where they keep Marys house that she grew up in, its inside the Cathedral. Its basically the three walls and window of her house as a child. Loreto... google it.. its amazing. Its such a tribute to Mary! When you get off the train you have to take a bus up to town or you can walk. So we decided to save money and walk. The travel guide in town said if your are walking with a backpack you will be a "saint" by the time you reach the top. We walked up soooo many never ending stairs to the city. But whats cool is there are the stations of the cross on the way up and at the top of the hill there is Jesus on the cross. It was a huge reminder for me about carrying your crosses and how difficult it can be at times, but how much more difficult it was for Jesus to die for us. Super neat expirence. I found out later that every year people make the pilgramige there on foot from Macerata. The town of Loreto is small and beautiful. We went to mass in the Cathedral on Saturday night and Confession on Sunday. Just a neat experience there. So nice to hear the priest talk in English for confession! Its absolutly beautiful inside, numerous chapels and devotions to Mary and God.

On the way back to Macerata (where we live) we met two girls on the train who were life saviors and made sure we made it back on the bus since the train was late. They were from the area and live in Macerata now for college. We got into discussions about faith and started asking about when daily masses in town were and they invited us to there group for prayer on Monday. There is mass at 7 pm if you want to go and then prayer at 730 and its about 15 mins long. It was so awesome to meet all the young Catholic adults in the area and to be so welcomed. They are all so wonderful, we are having such a great time getting to know them. The devotion they pray was in Italian but so beautiful! The small church I go to for daily mass is one of my favorites.

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